Monday, 9 May 2011

High Street Fashion Awards – The Shoe Edition

Our favourite thing about Lorraine Kelly is her ability to rock a thrifty high street outfit- so it was no surprise to us that her High Street Awards saw value for money brands like Peacocks nominated in the affordable fashion category.

Retailers like Peacocks have weathered the recession well, as more and more of use turned to more affordable ways to stay fashionable, and we liked what we saw.

Suddenly designer inspired heels, flats and sandals could be bought in all colours (we know this is slightly against the point) for the same price as a mid range pair and hundreds less than a designer version. What’s not to like?

Yes a shoe-aholic knows that quantity is key – and when stores like Peacocks will throw in quality as part of the deal, we’re sold.

So go and vote in LK’s High Street Fashion Awards to show your favourite stores you appreciate their hard work. And while you’re at it why not tell us where you buy your shoes from? Is it Peacocks or Prada?

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Obligatory Kate Middleton Shoe Post

Well, there it was, last Friday for all the world to see - a million billion worldwide viewers pf the Royal Wedding and a potential result for the UK economy as people rush to buy union print mugs and plates, Duchy Originals biscuits, and Kate style gear. Make no mistake, Kate's now the media's #1 woman for style stories - I think before Kate it was Cheryl - seems like a different era now, that does.

In terms of the style thing it definitely seems as if there were people watching the wedding as much for the occasion of it as for the ladies shoes spotting to be done. Which, I suppose, is fair enough.

And already there' stuff out there about what Kate had on her feet the day after the wedding - comfortable wedge pumps, apparently.